Dear Parents,

Time has flown by and there have been many different events that have taken place during this school term. Thank you for your support, for the various activities you might have been involved in with your children. It has been an incredibly busy term with teachers and students celebrating ANZAC Day, Environment Day, along with ‘Pyjama Day’, ‘Dressing Up in Red Day’ to support the Salvation Army and raising funds for the less fortunate people in our community.


2019 Foundation Enrolments are now open. We are also taking enrolments for Yr1-Yr 6. If you have a child who is ready to start Foundation class next year or any prospective families with children in Yr1-Yr 6 please inform them to contact us for any further information or to arrange a school tour.


Why is good attendance and punctuality important?

Frequent absences have a huge impact on children’s learning. Regular attendance of children at school is crucial to their learning, well-being and life success. It is a key to both academic and social development of children. Therefore parents are reminded of their responsibility, to ensure that all children attend school regularly.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to those families who have been working hard to ensure children’s punctuality and attendance at school is high, and for getting these important habits established early on in your child’s life, as it will make a difference in their future.

There is a link between attendance and achievement therefore it is very important that your child attends school every day unless there are exceptional circumstances.

What does 90% attendance mean?

Whenever your child is absent please notify the school either by phone on the day (58588200) or by a note when the child returns to school.

As a school, we are aware lateness can severely affect achievement. Classes start at 8:55am and all students are expected to be in their classrooms at this time. Students arriving after this time are required to report to the office and will be marked as present but arriving late (L).

Have a safe and happy holiday period!!

Mrs. Tarbinder Pandher
Primary Coordinator